Welcome to Hands of Hope Resource Center
advocating, educating and promoting societal change for those affected by crime and abuse.
We envision homes and communities free from crime and violence.
Free and confidential services for those affected by domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, and general crime in Morrison and Todd counties. Hands Of Hope Victim Advocates Are Here To Help You
What Does A Victim Advocate Do?
Victim advocates are trained to support victims of crime. They offer emotional support, victims’ rights information, help in finding needed resources and assistance in filling out crime victim related forms. Our advocates frequently accompany victims and their family members through the criminal justice proceedings. Advocates work with other organizations, such as criminal justice or social service agencies, to get help or information for the victims we serve.
How Our Advocates Work with Victims
Our advocates offer victims information about the different options available to them and support victims’ decision making. Our advocates are committed to maintaining the highest possible levels of confidentiality in their communication with victims.
If You Are a Victim
It may be difficult for you to reach out for help, but by contacting our agency for victim services you will find that our victim advocates can offer you information, support, and access to helpful services that you may not know about. Many victims are relieved to know our agency strives to make sure victims are helped and receive the tools they need to recover from the impact of their crime.
For Morrison County
320-632-4878 or 888-454-4878
For Todd County, 800-682-4547

How can we help
From offering emotional support through groups to guiding survivors through legal processes, we strive to be a beacon of hope and healing in the lives of those affected by crime, abuse, or trauma. Our team of compassionate professionals and dedicated volunteers work tirelessly to ensure that survivors are heard, validated, and provided with the necessary resources to rebuild their lives. Together, we aim to create a safe and nurturing environment where survivors can find solace, regain control, and thrive on their journey towards recovery.
Safe At Home
Support Groups
Safety Planning
Contact Us
“Asking for help is never a sign of weakness. It's one of the bravest things you can do. And it can save your life.”
Lily Collins
We're Here To Help You
Whatever you are going through, you don’t have to go through it alone. We’re here to help you!
What are the qualifications for an Order for Protection (OFP) or a Harassment Restraining Order (HRO)?

Become a Volunteer Advocate and, after training, you will be qualified to answer and respond to our 24-hour line from YOUR OWN HOME.
How Can An Advocate Help You?
A victim advocate plays a crucial role in supporting and assisting you while applying for an Order for Protection or a Harassment Restraining Order. An advocate provides invaluable emotional support, helping you navigate the complex and often overwhelming legal process. They listen attentively, validate your experiences, and offer a compassionate presence during what can be a distressing time.
Additionally, a victim advocate educates survivors about their rights and explains their legal options. They help you understand the criteria for obtaining an order for protection or a harassment restraining order, ensuring they clearly understand the steps involved and the potential outcomes.
An advocate also provides practical assistance. They help you gather necessary documentation, such as incident reports, medical records, or witness statements, which are crucial in substantiating the victim’s claims. The advocate may also accompany you to court hearings, providing moral support and acting as a liaison between you and the legal system.
Moreover, an advocate can assist you in completing the required paperwork accurately and thoroughly. They ensure that all necessary information is included and help you articulate your concerns and fears effectively, presenting a compelling case for the court’s consideration.
Throughout the process, a victim advocate is a liaison between the victim and the relevant legal authorities, such as law enforcement, prosecutors, or court personnel. They communicate on your behalf, relaying information, addressing concerns, and advocating for your needs and safety.
Ultimately, a victim advocate is a dedicated ally, empowering you and helping you regain a sense of control in your life. They provide unwavering support, information, and guidance, ensuring your voice is heard, and your rights are protected as they pursue an Order for Protection or a Harassment Restraining Order.
For Morrison County
320-632-4878 or 888-454-4878
For Todd County, 800-682-4547
Our Needs
You can help support Hands of Hope Resources Center with financial help or helping with some of our other needs.
Current Needs
Laundry pods and/or detergent
Women's Plain T shirts (all sizes)
Women's Leggings (all sizes)
Other items we often need are:
Gift cards for gas and local grocery stores
Used cell phones, smartphones, iPads, and iPods
Please reach out to our office for a list of current needs.
Please call ahead if you have items you would like to donate before bringing them to the office. We can be reached by calling (320) 632-1657 in Little Falls or (320) 732-2319 in Long Prairie. We will let you know what we currently need.
Used phones are used as 911 phones for clients or responsibly recycled along with used iPads and iPods as a fundraiser.
Latest News
Check out the latest information and news from Hands of Hope!
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